- Yasuo T, Nakamura F, Suwabe T and Sako N: Vitamin C
deficiency in osteogenic disorder Shionogi/Shi Jcl-od/od rats: effects
on sour taste preferences, lick rates, chorda tympani nerve responses,
and taste transduction elements. Chem Senses 2023: 48: bjad008, https://doi.org/10.1093/chemse/bjad008
- Nakatomi C, Sako N, Miyamura Y, Horie S, Shikayama T, Morii A,
Naniwa M, Hsu CC and Ono K: Novel approaches to the study of viscosity
discrimination in rodents. Scientific Reports: 22:16448, 2022. https://doi.org/10.1038/S41598-022-20441-y
- 安尾敏明、友藤孝明、田村康夫、岐阜歯科学会誌、CBT得点と歯科医師国家試験合格率との関係、岐阜歯科学会誌、2021年10月、
48(2): 121-127.
- Yasuo T, Wood GC, Chu X, Benotti P, Still CD, Rolston DDK,
Margolskee RF, Ninomiya Y, Jiang P: Expression of taste signaling
elements in jejunal tissue in subjects with obesity. J Oral Biosci,
March 2022; 64(1): 155-158. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.job.2021.12.006
- 安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、偏食が口腔脳腸連関や摂取行動に及ぼす影響、アグリバイオ、2020年11月、3(14)、1327-1328.
- 諏訪部武、ラット膝神経節のレニン-アンジオテンシン系について、日本味と匂学会誌、2020年12月、27(2)、51-55.
- 勝野麻衣、藤井千聖、中村文彦、留和香子、大沼卓也、坂井信之、硲哲崇、北井則行、歯科医学教育と心理特性が側貌の審美性認識に及ぼす影響、
Orthodontic Waves - Japanese Edition、2020年9月、72(2)、65-71.
- Fujii C, Onuma T, Nakamura F, Tome W, Sakai N, Sako N and Kitai
N: Influence of dental education on eye gaze distribution when
observing facial profiles with varying degrees of lip protrusion. J
Dental Edu 2020; 85(4):476-482. https://doi.org/10.1002/jdd.12471
- Nakamura F, Sakai N, Sako N, Tome W and Kitai N: Influence of
dental education on the perception of over jet. Orthodontic Waves 2020;
- Yamamura T, Nakamura F, Yasuo T, Suwabe T and Sako N: Effect of
the duration of a conditioned stimulus on component recognition in
binary taste mixtures in rats. J Oral Biosci 2020; 62:267-271. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.job.2020.06.001
- 硲哲崇;岩田幸一、井上富雄、舩橋誠、加藤隆史編.基礎歯科生理学 (16章味覚のうちV. 味覚と摂取行動、VI. 味覚異常)
.第7版.東京:医歯薬出版 ;2020年3月:339-342.
- 安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、偏食が口腔脳腸連関や摂取行動に及ぼす影響、アグリバイオ、2019年12月、37-38.
- 山村知暉、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、混合味溶液の識別に必要な味溶液呈示時間、日本味と匂学会誌第53回大会Proceeding集、
- Yasuo T, Suwabe T and Sako N: Behavioral and neural responses to vitamin C solution in vitamin C-deficient osteogenic disorder
Shionogi/Shi Jcl-od/od rats. Chem Senses 44(6) , 389-397, 2019.https://doi.org/10.1093/chemse/bjz028
- 山村知暉、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、2種類の味物質混合により生じたラット鼓索神経応答の抑制、日本味と匂学会誌第52回大会
- 山村知暉、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、混合味溶液含有成分に味覚嫌悪を条件付けられたラットの甘味+苦味または甘味+酸味2種混合溶液への
- Katagawa Y, Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Yamamura T, Gen K and Sako N:
Recognition by rats of binary taste solutions and their components.
Chem Senses 41(4), 795-801, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1093/chemse/bjw093
- Takahashi S, Iwata S, Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Sako N : Behavioral discrimination of the sour taste solution in rats, The
101st Annual Meeting
of the
Physiological Society of Japan, Kitakyusyu, March 2024.
- Manabe I, Yamazaki M, Takahashi S, Iwata S, Yasuo T, Suwabe T,
Kawano S and Sako N : The drinking behavior for sweet solutions
affected by pre-exposure to them in water-deprived rats, The
101st Annual Meeting
of the
Physiological Society of Japan, Kitakyusyu, March 2024.
- Maeda C, Takahasi S, Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Iwase Y, Gen K, Sakai N
and Sako N : Taste sensory evaluation of sodium with thickeners by
time-intensity method, The
101st Annual Meeting
of the
Physiological Society of Japan, Kitakyusyu, March 2024.
- Iwata S, Takahashi S, Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Sako N and Ninomiya Y :
Capsaicin enhances gustatory responses to sugars of mouse chorda
tympani nerve, The
101st Annual Meeting
of the
Physiological Society of Japan, Kitakyusyu, March 2024.
- Yasuo T, Iwata S, Suwabe T, Takahashi S and Sako N : Changes in lick rates to NaCl and KCl during riboflavin deficiency, The
101st Annual Meeting
of the
Physiological Society of Japan, Kitakyusyu, March 2024.
- 安尾敏明、諏訪部武、岩田周介、高橋慎平、硲哲崇、アスコルビン酸水溶液の洗濯摂取行動における酸味の役割の検討. 第171回ビタミンC研究委員会、東京都、2024年3月.
- 前田知馨代、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、岩瀬陽子、玄景華、坂井信之、硲哲崇、食品への増粘剤添加による味覚への影響. 2023年度自然科学研究機構生理学研究所研究会 食欲・食嗜好を形成する感覚・内分泌・神経基盤研究会、岡崎市、2023年12月.
- 高
〜味覚嫌悪学習を利用した行動学的実験〜. 2023年度自然科学研究機構生理学研究所研究会
- 安尾敏明、岩田周介、諏訪部武、高橋慎平、硲哲崇、ビタミンC水溶液の洗濯摂取行動にフレーバー嗜好学習は関与するのかどうかの検討. 2023年度自然科学研究機構生理学研究所研究会 食欲・食嗜好を形成する感覚・内分泌・神経基盤研究会、岡崎市、2023年12月.
- 前田知馨代、野田恵未、安田順一、玄景華、岩瀬陽子、硲哲崇、増粘剤を添加した4基本味に対するラットの鼓索神経応答および嗜好性の特徴. 第40回日本障害者歯科学会学術大会、札幌市、2023年11月.
- 中村文彦、安藤美空、坂井信之、留和香子、硲哲崇、北井則行、側貌が人物の印象形成に及ぼす影響:感情の評価尺度を用いた研究. 第82回日本矯正歯科学会学術大会、新潟市、2023年11月.
- 安藤美空、中村文彦、坂井信之、峯野修悟、留和香子、硲哲崇、北井則行、側貌が人物の印象形成に及ぼす影響:性格検査を用いた研究. 第82回日本矯正歯科学会学術大会、新潟市、2023年11月.
- 峯野修悟、山崎志穂、中村文彦、留和香子、河地庸介、坂井信之、硲哲崇、北井則行、歯科医学教育の有無がオーバージェットを判断する際の脳活動部位に与える影響. 第82回日本矯正歯科学会学術大会、新潟市、2023年11月.
- 安尾敏明、高橋慎平、岩田周平、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、ビタミンC欠乏ラットと充足ラットのフレーバーに対する嗜好性の比較. 第65回歯科基礎医学会学術大会、東京都、2023年9月.
- 高橋慎平、岩田周平、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、甘味または酸味の二成分混合味溶液を用いたラットの行動実験. 第65回歯科基礎医学会学術大会、東京都、2023年9月.
- 岩田周介、吉田竜介、高橋慎平、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、二ノ宮裕三、カプサイシンはマウス味覚神経応答を糖特異的に増強する. 第65回歯科基礎医学会学術大会、東京都、2023年9月.
- 安尾敏明、高橋慎平、岩田周介、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、酸に対する味覚嗜好性、リック率、鼓索神経応答及び味覚関連遺伝子にビタミンC欠乏が及ぼす影響. 第65回歯科基礎医学会学術大会、東京都、2023年9月.
- Iwata S, Yoshida R, Takahashi S, Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Sako N and
Ninomiya Y: Capsaicin selectively enhances chorda tympani nerve
responses to sugars in mice, The 57th
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association
for the Study of Taste and Smell, Tokyo, Sept 2023.
- Yasuo T, Takahashi S, Iwata S, Suwabe T and Sako N: Flavor
preference in osteogenic disorder Shionogi (ODS)/shi Jcl-od/od, The
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association
for the Study of Taste and Smell, Tokyo, Sept 2023.
- Manabe I, Yamazaki M, Takahashi S, Iwata S, Yasuo T, Suwabe T,
Kawano S and Sako N: The choosing behavior for the solution in
water-deprived rats, The 57th
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association
for the Study of Taste and Smell, Tokyo, Sept 2023.
- Maeda C, Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Iwase Y, Gen K, Sakai N and Sako N:
The influence of adding thickner to sodium chloride: Measured by
time-intensity method in human subjects, The 57th
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association
for the Study of Taste and Smell, Tokyo, Sept 2023.
- Takahashi S, Nakamura F, Iwata S, Yasuo T Suwabe T and Sako N:
Discrimination of the binary taste mixtures contained with same taste
quality, swuch as sweet or sour in rats, The 57th
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association
for the Study of Taste and Smell, Tokyo, Sept 2023.
- Yasuo T, Nakamura F, Suwabe T, Takahashi S and Sako N : Intake of
the flavor previously presented with ascorbic acid in ascorbic acid -
deficient rats, The 19th
International Symposium on Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Taste and
Olfactory Perception, Okayama, March 2023.
- Takahashi S, Nakamura F, Yasuo T, Suwabe T and Sako N :
Discrimination of the components of binary taste mixture containing
taste substances with same taste quality in rats, The 19th
International Symposium on Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Taste and
Olfactory Perception, Okayama, March 2023.
- Takahashi S, Nakamura F, Yasuo T, Suwabe T and Sako N : Can the
rats recognize the components of binary sweet taste solutions?, The
100th Annual Meeting
of the
Physiological Society of Japan, Kyoto, March 2023.
- Yasuo T, Nakamura F, Suwabe T, Takahashi S and Sako N : 17-hour
flavor preference test in vitamin C deficient rats, The 100th Annual
Meeting of the
Physiological Society of Japan, Kyoto, March 2023.
- Maeda C, Nakamura F, Takahashi S, Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Gen K and
Sako N: Changes of taste intensity and preference elicited by mixing of
sodium and commercial grade thickener, The 100th Annual Meeting of the
Physiological Society of Japan, Kyoto, March 2023.
- 安尾敏明、中村文彦、諏訪部武、高橋慎平、硲哲崇、ビタミンC欠乏は茸状乳頭味細胞における酸味受容体のmRNA発現と酸味溶液に対する短時
間摂取行動に影響するのか?. 2022年度自然科学研究機構 生理学研究所研究会 食欲・食嗜好を形成する感覚・内分泌・神経基盤研究会)、Held
in the
- Yasuo T, Nakamura F, Suwabe T, Takahashi S and Sako N: mRNA
expression of sour taste responses and lick rate responses to sour
taste solutions in vitamin C-deficient condition,
64th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biol, Tokushima
(HYBRID), Sept 2022.
- Maeda C, Nakamura F, Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Iwase Y, Gen K and Sako
N: Taste nerve responses to NaCl is suppressed depends on magnitude of
viscosity of the stimulus in rats,
64th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biol, Tokushima
(HYBRID), Sept 2022.
- Suwabe T, Yasuo T, Sako N, Nakamura F and Takahashi S: Expression
of taste receptor-related genes in orosensory ganglia and the brain
stem, The
64th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biol, Tokushima
(HYBRID), Sept 2022.
- Yamazaki M, Tanaka M, Sako N and Kawano S: Does the supression of
taste receptors elicited by sodium hypochlorite, as a root canal
irrigation solution, depend on its concentration?, The
64th Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biol, Tokushima
(HYBRID), Sept 2022.
- Suwabe T, Yasuo T, Sako N, Nakamura F and Takahashi S: Expression
of taste-receptor-retlated genes in the trigeminal, geniculate,
nodose/petrosal ganglia, The 56th
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association
for the Study of Taste and Smell, Sendai (HYBRID), Aug 2022.
- Yasuo T, Nakamura F, Suwabe T, Sako N and Takahashi S: Lick rate
responses to sour taste solutions and mRNA expression of sour taste
receptors in vitamin C-deficient rats, The 56th
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association
for the Study of Taste and Smell, Sendai (HYBRID), Aug 2022.
- Maeda C, Nakamura F, Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Iwase Y, Gen K and Sako
N: A character of inhibition for the chorda tympani nerve responses to
salty tastant elicited by mixing of thickeners in rats, The 56th
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association
for the Study of Taste and Smell, Sendai (HYBRID), Aug 2022.
- Yamazaki M, Tanaka M, Kawano S and Sako N: The concentration of
sodium hypochlorite solution which suppressed the chorda tympani nerve
responses to four basic taste, and their suppression rate, The 56th
Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association
for the Study of Taste and Smell, Sendai (HYBRID), Aug 2022.
- 峯野修悟、山ア志穂、中村文彦、留和香子、河地庸介、坂井信之、硲哲崇、北井則行、歯科医学教育の有無がオーバージェットの認識に与える影響
と、その判断時に活動する脳部位. 第64回近畿東海矯正歯科学会学術大会、岐阜市、2022年6月.
- Suwabe T, Yasuo T, Sako N and Nakamura F: Expression of ACE2,
TMPRSS2 and neuropilin-1 in rat geniculate and trigeminal ganglia, The
99th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan, Sendai
(HYBRID), March 2022.
- Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Nakamura F and Sako N: Novel food preferences
in vitamin C deficient rats, The 99th Annual Meeting of the
Physiological Society of Japan, Sendai (HYBRID), March 2022.
- 並河徹、Reza Fahadur、吉原美奈子、須山幹太、硲哲崇、SHRにおける食塩嗜好性メカニズムの探索.
第57回高血圧関連疾患モデル学会、Held in the WEB、2021年12月.
- Yamasaki S, Nakamura F, Tome W, Sakai N, Sako N, Kitai N:
Estimating vrain activity site using fNIRS during profile image
recognition with varying to protrusion, The 80th Annual Meeting of the
Japanese Orthodontic Society, Yokohama (HYBRID), Nov 2021.
- Yamasaki S, Nakamura F, Tome W, Sakai N, Sako N, Kitai N:
Estimating vrain activity site using fNIRS during profile image
recognition with varying to protrusion, The 80th Annual Meeting of the
Japanese Orthodontic Society, Yokohama (HYBRID), Nov 2021.
- 諏訪部武.味覚神経における新型コロナウイルス受容体の発現および分布の解析.第18回2021年度助成研究発表会,京都(ハイブリッド),
- Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Nakamura F and Sako N: Immunohistological
analysis of small intestinal tuft cells in osteogenic disorder rat, The
63rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biol, Held in the
WEB, Oct 2021.
- Suwabe T, Yasuo T, Sako N and Nakamura F: Expression of ACE2,
TMPRSS2 and neuropilin-2 in rat geniculate ganglion cells, The 63rd
Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biol, Held in the WEB,
Oct 2021.
- Yamazaki M, Tanaka M, Sako N, Kawano S: Effects of the
application of root canal irrigation solutions to tongue on the neural
responses to 4 basic taste substances in rats, The 63rd Annual Meeting
of Japanese Association for Oral Biol, Held in the WEB, Oct 2021.
- Nakamura F, Maeda C, Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Gen K and Sako N: Do the
mixing of the thickeners and taste substances change taste nerve
resoponses? The 63rd Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral
Biol, Held in the WEB, Oct 2021.
- 安尾敏明、諏訪部武、中村文彦、硲哲崇、迷走神経切断動物における欠乏微量栄養素の選択行動.
第6回食欲・食嗜好の分子・神経基盤研究会(食欲・食嗜好研究会)、Held in the
- Maeda C, Nakamura F, Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Gen K and Sako N: Chorda
tympani nerve responses to the mixture of thickeners and taste
substances in rats, The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association
for the Study of Taste and Smell, Fukuoka (HYBRID), Sept 2021.
- Yamazaki M, Tanaka M, Kawano S and Sako N: Suppression of the
chorda tympani nerve responses to 4 basic taste stimuli by tongue
treatment of sodium hypochlorite, as a root canal irrigation solution,
in rats, The 55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for the
Study of Taste and Smell, Fukuoka (HYBRID), Sept 2021.
Suwabe T, Yasuo T, Sako N and Nakamura F: Expression of ACE2, TMPRSS2
and neuropilin-1 in rat geniculate ganglion, The 55th Annual Meeting of
the Japanese Association for the Study of Taste and Smell, Fukuoka
(HYBRID), Sept 2021.
- Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Nakamura F and Sako N: Small intestional tuft
cells in osteogemic disorder Shionogi (ODS) / shi Jcl-od/od rats, The
55th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for the Study of Taste
and Smell, Fukuoka (HYBRID), Sept 2021.
- 深田淳、広田夏樹、中村文彦、村林学、留和香子、北井則行、犬歯レースバックによる矯正学的歯の移動についての評価.
- Nakamura F, Yasuo T, Suwabe T, and Sako N: Behavioral and neural
responses elicited by thickeners and taste substances, The 98th Annual
Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan, Held in the WEB, March
- Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Nakamura F and Sako N: Influences of vagotomy
on ingestive behavior in vitamin C deficient rats, The 98th Annual
Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan, Held in the WEB, March
- Suwabe T, Yasuo T, Sako N, and Nakamura F: Angiotensin II
receptors and the epithelial sodium channel in orofacial sensory
ganglia of rats, The 98th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society
of Japan, Held in the WEB, March 2021.
- Suwabe T, Yasuo T, Nakamura F and Sako N: Renin-angiotensin
system in orofacial sensory ganglia of rats, The 54th Annual Meeting of
the Japanese Association for the Study of Taste and Smell, Held in the
WEB, Oct 2020.
- Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Nakamura F and Sako N: Oral-gut-brain circuit
in animals fed unblanced diet, The 54th Annual Meeting of the Japanese
Association for the Study of Taste and Smell, Held in the WEB, Oct
- Nakamura F, Yasuo T, Suwabe T and Sako N: The change of
preference for basic taste by impregnating with thickeners in rats, The
54th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association for the Study of Taste
and Smell, Held in the WEB, Oct 2020.
- Fujii C, Onuma T, Nakamura F, Tome W, Sakai N, Sako N and Kitai
N: Frequency of eye fixation when observing a facial profile with
varying degrees of lip protrusion, The 9th International Orthodontic
Congress, Held in the WEB, Sept 2020.
- Nakamura F, Yasuo T, Suwabe T and Sako N: Two bottle preference
test for 3 thickeners in rats, The 62nd Annual Meeting of Japanese
Association for Oral Biol, Held in the WEB, Sept 2020.
- Yasuo T, Sako N and Ninomiya Y: mRNA expression levels of
taste-signal molecules in jejunum of severe obese patients, The 62nd
Annual Meeting of Japanese Association for Oral Biol, Held in the WEB,
Sept 2020.
- Suwabe T, Yasuo T and Sako N: Possible mechanism of nutrient
sensing in gustatory ganglion cells of rats, The 62nd Annual Meeting of
Japanese Association for Oral Biol, Held in the WEB, Sept 2020.
- Yasuo T, Suwabe T and Sako N: The influence of body weight loss
caused by vitamin C deficiency on the ingestive bahavior in rats, The
97th Annual Meeting of the Physiological Society of Japan, Held in the
magazine, March 2020.
- Suwabe T, Yasuo T and Sako N: Nutrient sensing mechanisms in
gustatory ganglion cells of rats, The 97th Annual Meeting of the
Physiological Society of Japan, Held in the magazine, March 2020.
- 山ア志穂、藤井千聖、中村文彦、丸地隆典、留和香子、大沼卓也、坂井信之、硲哲崇、北井則行、歯科医学知識の有無は歯列模型側面写真でのオー
- 中村文彦、山ア志穂、藤井千聖、丸地隆典、留和香子、大沼卓也、坂井信之、硲哲崇、北井則行、不正咬合は顎矯正に関する生活の質に影響を及ぼ
- 山村知暉、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、混合味溶液の内容成分を識別するにはどの程度の時間が必要か?、第61回歯科基礎医学会学術大会、東
- 諏訪部武、安尾敏明、硲哲崇、ラットの口腔顔面感覚神経節におけるレニン-アンギオテンシンII受容体、第61回歯科基礎医学会学術大会、東
- 安尾敏明、諏訪部武、山村知暉、硲哲崇、ビタミンC欠乏誘発性の食欲不振とビタミンC欲求、第61回歯科基礎医学会学術大会、東京都、2019年10月.
- 山村知暉、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、混合味溶液の含有成分の識別に必要な味溶液呈示時間、日本味と匂学会第53回大会、高知市、2019
- 安尾敏明、諏訪部武、山村知暉、硲哲崇、ビタミンC欠乏食に起因する食欲不振がOsteogenic Disorder Shionogi
- 山村知暉、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、混合溶液中の含有成分識別に関与する味刺激物質側および受容動物側の諸要因、第4回食欲・食嗜好の分
- 安尾敏明、諏訪部武、山村知暉、硲哲崇、ビタミンC欠乏による食欲不信はビタミンC摂取行動に影響を与えるのか?第4回食欲・食嗜好の分子・
- 勝野麻衣、藤井千聖、中村文彦、留和香子、坂井信之、硲哲崇、北井則行、歯科医学知識と心理特性が自己の口元に対する満足度に及ぼす影響、第
- Yasuo T, Jiang P, Wood C, Chu X, Benotti P, Still C, Rolston D,
Margolskee R and Ninomiya Y. Altered expressin of taste signaling
elements in jejunal tissue of obese patients. The 9th Federation of the
Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies, Kobe, March 2018.
- Suwabe T, Yasuo T and Sako N: Renin-angiotensin system and
angiotensin II receptors in rat geniculate ganglion. The 9th Federation
of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological Societies, Kobe, March 2018.
- Yamamura T, Katagawa Y, Yasuo T, Suwabe T and Sako N: Behavioral
and neural characteristics of recognition of the binary taste mixture
in rats. The 9th Federation of the Asian and Oceanian Physiological
Societies, Kobe, March 2018.
- Yasuo T, Yamamura T, Suwabe T and Sako N: Altered expression of
gustatory-signaling elements in the fungiform papillae taste buds cells
of VC deficient rats. The 17th International Symposium on Molecular and
Neural Mechanisms of Taste and Olfactory Perception in conjunction with
Special Events celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Monell Chemical
Senses Center, Fukuoka, November and December 2018.
- 中村文彦、坂井信之、勝野麻衣、藤井千聖、留和香子、硲哲崇、北井則行、模型を自分と仮定することがオーバジェットの認知に及ぼす影響、第
- 安尾敏明、山村知暉、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、ビタミンC欠乏の茸状乳頭味細胞における遺伝子発現への影響、日本味と匂学会第52回大会、さいたま
- 山村知暉、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、2種混合味溶液を呈示されたラットの鼓索神経応答の特徴、日本味と匂学会第52回大会、さいたま市、
- 諏訪部武、安尾敏明、硲哲崇、ラット膝神経節のレニン-アンギオテンシン系について、日本味と匂学会第52回大会、さいたま市、2018年
- 山村知暉、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、ショ糖に塩酸キニーネ、または塩酸を混合した混合味溶液刺激時のラットの鼓索神経応答、第60回歯科
- 安尾敏明、山村知暉、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、ビタミンCの茸状乳頭味細胞における味覚シグナル分子発現への影響、第60回歯科基礎医学会学術大
- 勝野麻衣、中村文彦、坂井信之、硲哲崇、北井則行、心理特性が顎矯正に関する生活の質に及ぼす影響、第33回日本歯科心身医学会学術大会・第
- 中村文彦、坂井信之、北井則行、硲哲崇、心理特性が顎矯正に関する生活の質に及ぼす影響、第33回日本歯科心身医学会学術大会・第23回日本
- 勝野麻衣、藤井千聖、中村文彦、留和香子、坂井信之、硲哲崇、北井則行、好まれる側貌における口唇の前後的位置についての検討、第60回近畿
- 中村文彦、勝野麻衣、藤井千聖、留和香子、坂井信之、硲哲崇、北井則行、歯科医学教育はオーバジェットの認識に影響を与えるか、第60回近畿
- 安尾敏明、山村知暉、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、欠乏栄養素の摂取行動は味細胞における味覚関連分子の発現に依存するのか?第3回食欲・食嗜好の分
- 山村知暉、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、嗜好性の異なる混合味溶液の識別とそれに関わる神経の検索、第3回食欲・食嗜好の分子・神経基盤研究
- Suwabe T, Yasuo T and Sako N: Analysis of local renin-angiotensin
in the geniculate ganglion of the rostral nucleus of the solitary tract
in rats. The 95th Annual Meetings of the Physiological society of
Japan, Takamatsu, March 2018.
- Yasuo T, Yamamura T, Suwabe T and Sako N: The effect of vitamin C
deficiency on the peripheral taste organ. The 95th Annual Meetings of
the Physiological society of Japan, Takamatsu, March 2018.
- Yamamura T, Yasuo T, Suwabe T and Sako N: Recognition of the
component of the binary taste mixtures in the rats denervated taste
nerves. The 95th Annual Meetings of the Physiological society of Japan,
Takamatsu, March 2018.
- Yamamura T, Katagawa Y, Yamada S, Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Gen K and
Sako N: How do the rats recognize individual components of mixed taste
solutions? -Review of our recent behavioral studies-, The 16th
International Symposium on Molecular and Neural Mechanisms of Taste and
Olfactory Perception, Fukuoka, November 2017.
- Yasuo T, Jiang P, Wood GC, Chu X, Benotti P, Still C, Rolston DKD
Margolskee RF: Expression of jejunal gustatory signaling elements in
obese patients, The 16th International Symposium on Molecular and
Neural Mechanisms of Taste and Olfactory Perception, Fukuoka, November
- 藤井千聖、勝野麻衣、大沼卓也、中村文彦、留和香子、坂井信之、硲哲崇、北井則行、口唇の前突度を変化させた側貌注視時の視線分布、第76回
- 勝野麻衣、藤井千聖、中村文彦、大沼卓也、留和香子、坂井信之、硲哲崇、北井則行、歯科医学的知識の有無が側貌の審美的認知に及ぼす影響、第
- 安尾敏明, Jiang P, Wood CG, Chu X, Benotti P, Still C, Rolston DKD,
Margolskee RF, Ninomiya
- 山村知暉、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、混合味溶液含有成分に味覚嫌悪を条件づけられたラットの甘味+苦味または甘味+酸味2種混合溶液への
- 諏訪部武、ラット脳幹におけるレニン - アンギオテンシン系の解析、第59回歯科基礎医学会学術大会、松本市、2017年9月.
- 山村知暉、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、硲哲崇、ラットにおける混合味溶液中の含有味溶液認識に及ぼす溶液濃度の影響、第59回歯科基礎医学会学術大
- 中村文彦、坂井信之、硲哲崇、北井則行、矯正歯科治療希望の有無における心理的要因、第32回日本歯科心身医学会総会学術大会、東京、
- 片川吉尚、山村知暉、山田茂貴、安尾敏明、諏訪部武、玄景華、硲哲崇、嗜好性の異なる味溶液を混合した場合にその識別性と嗜好性はどのように
変化するか?生理学研究所 第2回食欲・食嗜好の分子・神経基盤研究会、岡崎市、2017年6月.
- Yasuo T、Jiang P, Wood CG, Chu X, Benotti P, Still C, Rolston DKD:
Detection Of Gut-expressed Jejunal Taste Signaling Elements In Patients
With Obesity. Obesity Week 2017, Washington, DC, U.S.A, Octobor, 2017
- Yamamura T, Yasuo T, Suwabe T and Sako N: Suppression of the
taste intensity of paired component in the binary taste mixture of
sweet and bitter may occur reciprocally. The 94th Annual Meeting of the
Physiological Society of Japan, Hamamatsu, March 2017.
- 中村文彦、坂井信之、硲哲崇、黒柳ふみ、留和香子、北井則行、歯科矯正学の知識の有無が歯列不正の認知に及ぼす影響、第75回日本矯正歯科学
- 諏訪部武、安尾敏明、硲哲崇、孤束核および腕傍核の細胞の誕生時期と分布部位の関係、第58回歯科基礎医学会、札幌市、2016年8月.
- 安尾敏明、諏訪部武、山村知暉、硲哲崇、ビタミンC欠乏の塩味及び酸味物質に対する鼓索神経応答への影響、第58回歯科基礎医学会、札幌市、
- 中村文彦、坂井信之、北井則行、硲哲崇、心理特性が歯列不正の認知に及ぼす影響、第31回日本歯科心身医学会総会・学術大会、盛岡市、
- 安尾敏明、硲哲崇、微量栄養素を動物はどのように過不足なく摂取できているのか?、生理学研究所 第1回食欲・食嗜好の分子・神経基盤研究
- Suwabe T, Yasuo T, and Sako N: Generation time of cells in each
subnucleus of the brain stem gustatory relay nuclei in rats. 17th
International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT2016) JASTS 50th
Annual Meetings, Yokohama, June 2016.
- Yasuo T, Suwabe T, and Sako N: VitaminC deficiency affects
behavior and taste nerve responses in rats. 17th International
Symposium on Olfaction and Taste (ISOT2016) JASTS 50th Annual Meetings,
Yokohama, June 2016.
- Katagawa Y, Yamada S., Yasuo T, Suwabe T, Gen K and Sako N:
Intensity, recognition and hednic rationgs for the binary taste stimuli
in human and rats. 17th International Symposium on Olfaction and Taste
(ISOT2016) JASTS 50th Annual Meetings, Yokohama, June 2016.
- 硲哲崇、複雑系としての摂食行動の探求. 日本味と匂学会功労賞受賞講演、日本味と匂学会第57回大会, 2023年9月.
- Suwabe T: Renin-angiotensin system in the geniculate ganglion of
rats, The 53rd annual meeting of the Japanese association for the study
of taste and smell, Kochi, September 2019.
- 硲哲崇、複雑な口腔感覚に動物はどう対応するか?、2019年度 第15回金沢医科大学大学院医学研究セミナー、金沢市、2019年10月.
- 硲哲崇、何を食べるかを脳はどう選ぶか
- 諏訪部武、安尾敏明、硲哲崇、膝神経節のレニン-アンギオテンシン系について、第60回歯科基礎医学会学術大会、福岡市、2018年9月.
- 安尾 敏明、味覚の生理学的意義 味覚はなぜあるのか? ペンシルバニア日本人会、米国ペンシルバニア州フィラデルフィア ペンシルバニア大
学医学部 Biomedical Research Building, August, 2017.
- 硲哲崇、何を食べたいかを脳はどう決めるか?〜好き嫌いをさせない摂食の脳科学〜、一般社団法人 日本私立歯科大学協会 〜歯科医学・歯科医
- 硲哲崇、何を食べたいかを脳はどう決めているか?〜摂食の行動生理学〜、平成28年度大阪府歯科医師会学術講演会、大阪市、2016年9月.