Research Fields of Hayato HIRATA

 Civil Law, Civil Procedure Law, Basic Science of Law

Keyword showing Research Fields :
  Good Faith, Fair and Equitable Principle, Estoppel
  ADR, Online-ADR
  CISG, Legal Expert System, Legal Reasoning


Current Rsearch Topics :
  1. Study on the Fair and Equitable Principle (Good Faith)
      Fair and Equitable Principle, Good faith
      Civil Law, Civil Procedure Law, Basic Science of Law

  2. Development and Study of a Legal Expert System
      Legal Expert System, Legal Reasoning, Logical Jurisprudence
      Basic Science of Law, Civil Law, Intelligent Informatics
      (Collaboration in Japan) 

  3. ADR
      Online ADR, Mediation, Conciliation


Past of Joint Research and Contract Research :Domestic Joint Research within Japan: Hayato HIRATA
  1. The Research supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas "Legal Expert"
      Publicly assembled Head Investigator (1993-1995)
      Publicly assembled Head Investigator (1996-1997)
      Investigator (1997-1998)

  2. The Research supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) "A Metric Analysis of the Civil Suit Practice on the Basis of the Investigation into the Actual Conditions"
      Investigator (1996-1998)

  3. The Research supported by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A) "A Metric Analysis of the Civil Suit Practice on the Basis of the Investigation into the Actual Conditions [Investigation of the Second Half]"
      Investigator (2003-2006)

  4. The Research supported by Grant-in-Aid for Specially Promoted Research "Research on Development of Legal Education Methods to Promote Creative Legal Minds−Towards the Science of Law Creation"
      Cooperator (2005-2007)

